Top notch performance of Non-Invasive and Invasive Ventilation LYRA x2 is a premium non-invasive turbine driven ventilator with no compromise on the performance in invasive ventilation.
User can easily switch between NIV- and IV-modes by UI operation only.
Comprehensive parameter monitoring describes the full scenario of patient’s status to the care giver.
In a busy ICU it is imperative to give the desired mechanical ventilation to the patient.
An 18.5 inch vertical layout touchscreen display makes operating of the ventilator smooth & easy.
Thông số kỹ thuật
Physical Specification
Dimensions: 327 mm x 310 mm x 493 mm
(L x W x H): 664 mm x 600 mm x 1520 mm (with trolley)
Weight: Approximately 12.0 kg, Approximately 33.0 kg (with trolley)
Display Size: 18.3 Color active matrix TFT touch
Display Resolution (H) x (V): 1080 x 1980 pixels
Brightness: Adjustable
Ventilation Specifications
Patient Type: Adult, Pediatric, Neonate
Invasive Ventilation Modes:
VCV (Volume Control Ventilation)
PCV (Pressure Control Ventilation)
VSIMV (Volume Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
PSIMV (Pressure Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
CPAP/PSV (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/Pressure Support Ventilation)
PRVC (Pressure Regulated Volume Control)
BPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure)
APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation)
Apnea Ventilation
Non-invasive Ventilation Modes:
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
PCV (Pressure Control Ventilator)
PPS (Proportional Pressure Support)
S/T (Spontaneous and Timed)
VS (Volume Support)
Controlled Parameters
O2%: 21-100% (increments of 1%)
VT (Tidal Volume): Adult: 100-2000 mL (increments of 10 mL) / Pediatric: 20-300 mL / Neonate: 2-300 mL (increments of 1 mL)
f (Ventilation frequency): 1-80 bpm / Neonate: 1-150 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
fSIMV (Ventilation frequency in SIMV mode): 1-80 bpm / Neonate: 1-150 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
I:E range: 4:1-1:10 (increments of 0.5)
Tinsp (Inspiratory time): 0.20-10 s (increments of 0.05 s)
Tslope (Time of Pressure Rising): Thigh0-2.00 s (increments of 0.05 s)
Tlow: 0.2-30 s (increments of 0.1 s)
Tpause: 0.2-30 s (increments of 0.1 s)
ΔPinsp: 5%-60 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O), Off
ΔPsupp: 0-60 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Phigh: 0-60 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Plow: 0-45 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
PEEP: 1-45 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O), Off
Flow trigger: 0.5-15 L/min(increments of 0.1 L/min)
Pressure trigger: -10 to -0.5 cm H2O (increments of 0.5 cm H2O)
Exp% (Expiration termination level): 10-85% (increments of 5%), Auto
CPAP: 4-25 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
EPAP: 4-25 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
IPAP: 4-20 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Rise time: 1-5 (increments of 1)
Ramp time: 5-45 min (increments of 5 min), Off
Min P (VS minimum IPAP): 5-30 cm H2O(increments of 1 cm H2O)
Max P (VS maximum IPAP): 6-40 cm H2O(increments of 1 cm H2O)
Max P (PPV maximum pressure limit):5-40 cm H2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Max V (PPV maximum volume limit):200-3500 mL (increments of 5 ml)
Max E: 0-100 cm H2O/L(increments of 1 cm H2O/L)
Max R: 0-50 cm H2O/L(increments of 1 cm H2O/L)
PPV%: 0%-100% (increments of 1%)
Apnea Ventilation
Vtvapnea: Adult: 100-2000 mL(increments of 10 mL) / Pediatric: 20-300 mL / Neonate: 2-300 mL (increments of 1 mL)
ΔPapnea: 5-60 cm H2O(increments of 1 cm H2O)
Fapnea: 1-80 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
Apnea Tinsp: 0.20-10 s (increments of 0.05 s)
Sigh Switch: On, Off
Interval: 20 s-180 min (increments of 1 s from 20 to 59 s, increments of 1 min from 1 to 180 min)
Cycles Sigh: 1-20 (increments of 1)
Δint.PEEP: 1-45 cm H2O(increments of 1 cm H2O), Off
Synchronized Tube Resistance Compliance
Tube Type: ET Tube, Trach Tube, Disable STRC
Tube I.D.: Adult: 5.0-12.0 mm (increments of 0.5 mm) / Pediatric: 2.5-8.0 mm (increments of 0.5 mm)
Compensate: 0-100% (increments of 1%)
Expiration Compliance Switch: On, Off
Monitored parameters
Paw Oxygen concentration WOB
Ppeak VTe spn RSBI
Pmean f P0.1
PEEP ftotal PEEPi
Insp Flow fmand PIP
Exp Flow fspn EPAP
MV Re Pt.Trig
MV leak Ri Pt.leak
MV spn Cdyn Tot.leak
Vte Cstat Continuous Flow (O2 Therapy)
VTi Rcexp
Real time Graphics:
Pressure-time waveforms: Paw-Volume Loop
Flow-time waveforms: Flow-time Loop
Volume-time waveforms: Paw-Flow Loop
Control Accuracy
O2%: ±(3 vol.% + 1% of setting)
TV: ±(10 mL + 10% of setting) (BTPS)
Tinsp: ±0.1 s or ±10% of setting, whichever is greater
I: E: 2:1 to 1:4: ±10% of setting, other range:±15% of setting
f: ±1 bpm
fSIMV: ±1 bpm
Tslope: ±(0.2 s + 20% of setting)
PEEP: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
ΔPinsp: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
ΔPsupp: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
Phigh: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
Plow: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
Thigh: ±0.2 s or ±10% of setting, whichever is greater
Tlow: ± 0.2 s or ±10% of setting, whichever is greater
Pressure Trigger: ±(1.0 cm H2O + 10% of setting)
Flow Trigger: ±(1.0 L/min + 10% of setting)
Δint.PEEP: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
Exp%: ±10%
CPAP: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
EPAP: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
IPAP: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
Rise time: –
Ramp time: ±1 s
Min P (VS minimum IPAP): ±(2.0 cm H2O +5% of setting)
Max P (VS maximum IPAP): ±(2.0 cm H2O +5% of setting)
Max P (PPV maximum pressure limit):±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
Max V (PPV maximum volume limit): ±15% of setting
Max E: –
Max R: –
Fapnea: ±1 bpm
ΔPapnea: ±(2.0 cm H2O + 5% of setting)
Tvapnea: ±(10 mL + 10% of setting) (BTPS)
Apnea Tinsp: ±0.1 s or ± 10% of setting, whichever is greater
Monitoring Accuracy
Airway pressure (Ppeak, Pplat, Pmean, PEEP, PAP, EPAP): ±(2 cm H2O + 4% of the actual reading)
Tidal Volume (Tvi, Tve, TVe/IBW,TVe spn): 0 ml -100 ml: ± (10 ml+3% of the actual reading) (BTPS) / 100 ml – 4000 ml: ±(3 ml + 10% of the actual reading) (BTPS)
Minute Volume (MV, MVspn, Mvleak): ±0.3 L/min or ±8% of the actual reading, whichever is greater (BTPS)
Frequency (ftotal, fmand, fspn): ±5% of reading or ±1 bpm, whichever is greater
Inspired Oxygen (FiO2): ±(2.5 vol.% + 2.5% of the actual reading)
Resistance: 0 to 50: ±10 cm H2O/L/s Other range: 50% of the actual reading
Compliance: 25% of the actual reading or ±10 ml/cm H2O, whichever is greater
RSBI: 0 to 999 1/(min*L): ± (3 1/(min*L) ± 15% of the actual reading)
WOB: –
NIF: ± (2 cm H2O + 4% of the actual reading)
P0.1: ± (2 cm H2O + 4% of the actual reading)
PEEPi: –
Rcexp: –
Alarm settings
Tidal Volume: High / Low
Minute Volume: High / Low
Airway pressure: High / Low
Frequency: High / Low
Inspired Oxygen (FiO2): High / Low
etCO2: High / Low
Apnea alarm time: 5-60 s
Type: Tabular, Graphic
Length: 72 hours
Content: Monitor Parameters,
Setting Parameters (Setting Ventilation mode and Parameters)
O2 Therapy
Controlled Parameters
O2%: 21-100% (increments of 1%)
Flow: 4-60 L/min
Controlled Accuracy
O2%: ±(3 vol.% +1% of setting)
Flow: ±(2 L/min +10% of setting) (BTPS)
Environmental specifications
Temperature: 5-40°C (operating); -20 to 60 °C (storage and transport, O2 sensor: -20 to 50 °C)
Relative Humidity: 10-95% (operating); 10-95% (storage and transport)
Barometric Pressure: 62-106 kPa (operating);
50-106 kPa (storage and transport)
Power Battery Backup
External AC power supply
Input voltage: 100-240 V
Input frequency: 50/60 Hz
Input current: 2.5 A Max
Fuse: T2.5 AH/250 V
Internal battery
Number of batteries: One or Two (Optional)
Battery type: Build-in Lithium-ion battery, 11.25 VDC, 6400 mAh
Battery run time: 3 hours (Powered by one new fully-charged battery in standard working condition) / 6 hours (Powered by two new fully-charged battery in standard working condition)
Communication interface: RS-232, Ethernet,
USB port, CO2 analyzer connector
Gas supply: O2
(HPO) Oxygen connector: NIST (DISS optional)
Gas supply pressure: 280-600 kPa